Friday, June 17, 2011

Projekt 30 Exhibitions

Greetings All!

My work is now on Projekt 30.

"Projekt30 is an online gallery designed to connect artists with 'brick and mortar' art galleries interested in representing them, as well as art dealers and collectors currently unaware of their work. We host a thirty-artist juried exhibition each month, as well as special theme exhibitions several times a year."
-(, accessed June 17, 2011)

Please vote for my work in this month's exhibitions: the July Exhibit and At the Edge. Thank You!

Links: 1.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Turning Art Newsletter 6/12/11

TurningArt is a way for people to sample images of original artwork in their home before making a purchase. Subscribers get to view the work of a select group of artists at and create a queue of the images they would like to rotate in their home.

(click on link above to read newsletter)


digital painting/c-print
3000 X 3000 px

from the series Poise

Exhibition at Reis Studios

Artist: Anne Clinton

Artist: Soumya Dhulekar 

Artist: Cody Moy

Reception: Saturday, June 18th 1pm-2:30pm

(work will up until the 26th)

Reis Studios
4301 22nd Street, 3rd Floor
Long Island City, NY 11101